Sunday, 30 June 2013

 Have been a bit slow with adding thing's, is not that have been busy, I wish, just not much happening. Was at Parents, last Wednesday, had another session with M at CX, grabbed dad's camcorder afterwards, there was a letter waiting from CX, bit thick this one, so couldn't read there and then, took it with me. Grabbed the bus back to J's, read letter on the way.
 Brilliant news, letter from CX was from Dr A specifically, a run down on my session with him, on how I am handling everything, final page, a brief rundown on it all, final line, confirmation, that in his opinion, I am ready for surgery, will get his official signature, at my referral meeting in September. brilliant news, phoned J, left a message on her machine, couldn't believe it, I was crying, not very happy, much, finally my journey is coming to an end.
Thursday, was the reason why I was picking up Camcorder, the Regiment were on Parade at St James, was only Medal Parade, but would be able to see lads again, I did intend to film a bit and grab some photo's, but that camcorder was too damn awkward for silly old me, ended up deleting the pictures, and the film? After the Parade, went to see and chat with them, was chatting with one guy, never realised his rank, was only the Colonel ?, doh, then he surprised me, apologising, for not realising who I was, admittedly I never realised who he was either, turned out, it was colonel P, last time I saw him, was just after he got his second pip, now, he's just completed his colonelship, don't know if he's staying in, or doing the civy bit, but still?
 PC was having problems referring to me, with my new name, calling me by my old name, but still, he was complaining about having a sore throat, I immediately made some comment about him, about him only blowing(?) never able to say anything further, he immedialy thought I meant BJ's, I had meant anything like that, but still, Squaddie mentality.

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Monday, 24 June 2013


Things are getting oh so confusing at the moment, emotionally, I know I said I would be faithful to J, but things are getting oh so confusing, am oh so thinking about guy's again, but at same time, I know I so love women, but to make it even harder is the fact that J seems to be getting less and less attracted to me, I will alway's love her, but the fact that she is oh so unable, to even give me a hug, let alone a kiss?

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Saturday, 15 June 2013


Been an interesting day today, had to go a local supermarket today, after collecting C from her Saturday School, and got soaked doing so, got back to the flat, got changed, then off to Supermarket, as it starting throwing it down again. Got on bus, no problem, then had to changed from one bus, to another to the Hill, to get even wetter??
Whilst on bus, am distracted by game am playing on phone, well I am blonde aren't I, I forget my bag as we get off, Don't realise I have lost it, till 2 buses later, and am getting of it, and had no idea where I actually lost it. So go to Flat, go to online banking about cancelling cards, sorted, so b'bye bag?
Or so I thought? A couple of hours later I then get a phone call, some guy had found it, and wanted to return it, he found my number on my cards, and gave me a shout. We met at the pub, he returned it, never even wanted reward, so goes to prove, there are still some honest people out there, so there fore, to my Knight, in a Dark Golf? I send a massive hug and a kiss. Thank you Kind Sir

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Friday, 14 June 2013


I know I haven't added anything for a while, but have been in between thinking writing or not writing?? I went out to the TVChix picnic, worried about how K would be to me, she still doesn't like me, but at least she spoke to me, I was upset to hear about her being attacked, let me guess local plod won't do anything?
G in the pub, has decided to show her true colours, and because I have not received my GRS yet, I can not be a lesbian. So what am I supposed to be then, Sexless? is any form of sexual gratification forbidden to me, or must I partake of something I don't enjoy?
On the FB side of thing's, I now have a Frog chasing after me? no not a French Guy, BD, another name from that wonderful life I had, in the Army, god if only I was more enlightened about things Trans then, I could still be in the army, and transitioned all those years ago. God things would be oh so different now, would be with out J and C, I doubt I could have done things without their strength, God I love them, if only she would realise, how much I need hugs and kisses?

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